Business — it’s tough

Let's be real for a minute – being in business is hard! It’s challenging! It’s stressful! It’s difficult!

Anyone who tells you that it will just make your life easier is dishing out bad advice.

Running a business or team, big or small, will, at times, be one of the most difficult endeavours you’ll undertake. But — and yes, there is a but — it can also be one of the most rewarding, if you set yourself up to win.

I’m not a parent, but we all know having kids is one of the most difficult and exhausting things ever (sorry Mum and Dad!) but, we also know it’s the thing parents are most fulfilled by.

We need to approach our business life in the same spirit, knowing that success will be fulfilling, exciting and rewarding, but will require a plan, a strategy, tools, support — and a tonne of grit and determination.  

When times are tough — and let’s face it, for most of us, Covid & Lockdowns has made it really tough — we have to dig deep and tap into more of ourselves. We have to get even more resourceful and creative. We have to harness more enthusiasm and energy than ever before, to not just survive but thrive.

 Recently I’ve heard so many business owners struggling, and wondering if it’s worth it. That’s a quality question, and one you may need to ask — and answer! If your answer is YES, here are a few things to keep front of mind.

 ONE – take care of YOU! 

Feel free to use my daily mantra — “hydration, nutrition, joy!” A recipe to feel good and energetic. I know, I talk about this a lot. Just do it!

TWO – Get a quality support network.

Disconnect from the complainers, naysayers, and down and outers. Once you’ve said Yes to the challenge you don’t need their vibe. Seek out those who DESPITE everything are taking responsibility for creating a bright future, and looking for solutions. We become who we hang out with — in person and online! Choose wisely and seek out the glass-half-full peeps.

THREE – Ask yourself OFTEN What else could I do to…

— feel good now?

— get inspired?

— solve this problem?

— add more value & make more money?

— reduce my debt?

Let go of old ways of thinking … doing … being … that aren’t serving you. OMG, dare I say PIVOT? Pivot if you need to! Try something new. Look for new possibilities. New opportunities. New doors to step through.

FOUR – learn, grow, evolve, innovate & respond fast.

Embrace change! It’s the only thing we can rely on. This doesn’t mean just going with the crowd. It means RECOGNISING when things change, not ignoring them. Being flexible, adapting, working out your strategy, keeping an open mind. Running the business you have today, and planning for the business you will run in the future.. We’re surrounded by great resources, many free, that can help us!

FIVE – switch off for a while!

There’s nothing like a break to freshen up our eyes, and help us see new perspectives.  You got into business not for the grind but for the rewards. To create a quality lifestyle for yourself! Give yourself permission to step away for a little bit and Relaaax!

It’s so important to find meaning and joy in what we do. To — grow through — the challenges. And, to take time regularily, or when external forces challenge us to, to reimagine your business!

Be well, stay safe and remain positive!

Adri x